April 8, 2012

1st Easter Sunday Party

Happy Easter Sunday!

Centro ASPROFIL has celebrated today its 1st Easter Sunday Party with a small program to aware kids about the Holly Week celebration: Why do we celebrate the Holly Week? What do we celebrate on Easter Sunday? Who is Easter Bunny? As the only Catholic country in Asia, Holly Week is celebrated nationwide in the Philippines and it became a part of the Filpinino culture.

The presentation was followed by a storytelling about Easter Bunny, "The Adventurous Bunny and Easter Island" about how Big Ears Bunny found the Eastera Island and decided to share their sweet harvest with all the kids in the world, and a craft activity where ASPROFIL kids learnt to make their own Easter mobile to decorate their rooms. Rabbits, eggs, flowers and chickens invaded the center with crayons, scissors and paste.

To finish the morning we organized a traditional egg hunting... Kids looked around the center and its garden for the colorful eggs to find their sweet surprise.

What about your Easter Sunday? Did the rabbit stop around?

Hope you all had a blessed Holly Week!


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