It is really a pitty to find that in a country like the Philippines, with so many nature wonders, surrended by forests and stunning beaches, people don't appreciate it. It is a pitty to contemplate the landscape and find a kid throwing plastic bags or papers, and what is more disgusting is to find out that no adult around will say a word to that kid or call his/her attention for his/her unrespectful behaviour. Neither children nor adults are aware of the value of their environment but, as we all know, it is too late for some adults and only kids, as they are still learning, can awake some critical thinking and environment awareness.
Therefore, ASPROFIL held last June its first environmental workshop: "Cre-Active. Cre-ASPROFI | Art for environment workshop" with the help of some ASPROFIL friends and local artists. The workshop was organized in two sessions (even the first one was held during two days). The first one, held by Kuya Pablo, raised different environmental problems. Kids learnt through several games the different kinds of pollution, their causes and consequences as well as the impact of our behaviour into nature. A recycle activity held by Tita May also took place during this session. Tita May tought the kids to create their own sponge with tulle.
The second session was held by Tita Arlene, Tita Sinag and Ate Raya. They shared with ASPROFIL kids their art work making collages and paper cuts as an artistic and creative way to reuse paper and other materials as cans and boxes.
On the next weeks, kids will create an environmental campaign using all the tools learnt during the previous sessions to show to their communities the importance of our environment.
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